Our Courses
We offer a range of Wellbeing Skills Courses to strengthen one’s resilience, self-esteem and worth. The hauora model of Te Whare Tapa Whā (developed by Dr Mason Drurie) is unique to Aotearoa and guides our journey together on these courses, with a holistic approach to wellbeing.

Wellbeing Skills Toolkit Courses
On-line facilitated real-time group courses for those seeking effective tools and tips for improving wellbeing.
Resilience Toolkit: Gain practical skills to bounce back from tough situations and take charge of your emotions instead of them controlling you.
Relational Toolkit: learn and practice a range of strategies to compassionately grow your self-awareness and build stronger relationships based on mutual understanding.
Thinking Toolkit: Grow in confidence to take charge of your life as you explore how your thinking and reactions are connected. Learn skills to create new thinking pathways.

Our Courses
We offer a range of Courses to strengthen Wellbeing and Personal Development.
Shine & Strength
ShineWomen, Strength and ShineGirl are tools designed to equip women, adolescent men and girls with the knowledge and skills to discover who they are and the person they want to become.
We have a team that facilitates ShineGIRL and ShineWOMEN in Auckland High Schools and we offer an online ShineWOMEN course.
Our facilitation skills training equips people to facilitate Shine and Strength courses in their own communities.

Short Courses
These courses are female-only cohorts and intended for those who are aware of their personal challenges and are motivated to learn skills to make changes in their life.
We have two courses Connect and Grow.
Connect is about building thriving relationships.
Grow is about growing your resilience.
Courses take place two days per week over a six week period.